The CULTURE of small things or CULTURE is in details

You can choose either title, they both work well for this post.

How do you define what is culture, as in culture of a country, culture of a region or culture of a group of people?

When you’re working abroad or working with people from other parts of the world you have to deal with different cultures. That is part of the fun. You try different foods, you learn how to say “thank you” and how to make a toast (with glasses, not with bread!). But that is the informal part of acculturation. If you make a mistake, it’s just an awkward moment.

But when you’re doing serious business? How do you learn how to deal with different cultures? The consequences of a mistake during a business negotiation can be expensive. So how do you learn that? How do you teach acculturation?

Workers of the world travel constantly in a very efficient manner. Or, at least, in a very rapid manner. One day you’re in Europe, next day you’re in Africa, two days later you’re in South America. You arrive at your destination, go to your hotel (most likely an international chain) or just land directly at the meeting you have to attend. You don’t have the time to learn the culture, to learn the people. How can you teach or do business with people you don’t know or understand how they think? Well, the fact is that you can and you do! But could it be improved if we could teach acculturation skills?